GDN - Tuesday 27 January at 20h, Lyon BF receives Mado Bonnet in his room, Calais on behalf of the eighth finals of the Cou...
GDN - The never-seen. At least 300,000 people marched Sunday in the center of Lyon in tribute to the victims of the attacks...
01/09/2015, 18:43 Uhr
JC.Mengui /Source info by BFMTV
JC.Mengui /Source info by BFMTV
Hostage at Porte de Vincennes in Paris
Hostage taking in five dead
GDN - Porte de Vincennes: the hostage-taking in five people dead, including the abductor A hostage-taking took place on ...
GDN - RHONE. Enhanced surveillance in sensitive sites and gathering places Vigipirate. The prefect is calling for vigilanc...
GDN - Explosion in Villefranche: Several shots and explosions against mosques in France. An explosion of criminal took pl...
GDN - Movement "I'm Charlie" rallies on canvas : Since the announcement of the attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo on We...
Hartmut Butt
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